
We treat the cause not the symptom!


Bursitis is an inflammation of the fluid filled sacs (bursa) that are typically located around the joints. They are typically found in the shoulders, elbows and hips. Symptoms of bursittis includes stiff achy joints, pain with movement accompanied by redness and swelling in the area. Typically people become predisposed to bursitis due to activities requiring repetitive use, prolonged application of pressure on the joint, trauma, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and some infections. Individual who are most susceptible to bursitis are middle aged people, individuals with ADLs including but not limited to gardening, playing an instrument, and carpentary, as well individuals who suffer from RA, gout and diabetes.

What we offer

Are you experiencing swelling and redness in a joint?

  • Are you experiencing Sharp pain in the joint?
  • Joint immobility
  • Then you may be suffering from Bursitis.